Wednesday, April 16, 2008

100 plus can cure headaches!

Its become instinct for us to reach for Panadols whenever we feel the onset of a headache coming along. But Panadol is a painkiller and too much of it can be harmful to your body.

I don't know about you, but I really hate the idea of putting in too much DRUGS into my body. Besides I heard that if you take too much painkillers it would actually decrease the pain numbing effect of each dosage and in future, it would actually take a bigger dosage of painkillers to help numb pain.

Think about what's going to happen when I go through childbirth... EEEEeeek!
So, my dad sent me this remedy on how 100 plus can help cure headaches.

All you need is:

1 cup of 100plus
2 cups of water

(or just mix your 100plus and water in a ratio of 1:2)

And then "ta-dah" your headache will start subsiding after a while.

Why does it work.. you ask? Well cos headaches are apparently caused by electrolytes imbalance in your brain and restoring it with ISOTONIC drinks like 100 plus will help put that imbalance back on track.

Trust me.. it works.. When I was on my dive trip on a tiny island of Dayang, we had no panadols on hand and a few people got headaches. So I gave them my 100 plus remedy and it had really helped get rid of the headaches! REALLY!

Now when my dive friends see me on the street and they forget my name, they go "Hey its that 100 plus headache girl! She cured my headaches!"

1 comment:

YongWei said...

old post, but thx anyway, found on google, i wanted to know the formula.

working for me now, half headache gone, damn painful